Saturday, March 26, 2011

Love and other stuff...

It was My beau & my one year anniversary yesterday...I meant to write but time got away from me. The city had me for awhile with my daughter, then packing for New Hope for an alone night with my man, followed by supporting one another with gusto as we undressed and listened to a mix he made me of all songs that peirce my heart. It was a great night with mexican beer, poached salmon w/ capers, (my specialty) and a summer salad. We had watching The English Patient in the works but the championing of each others nakedness took precedense and consumed the rest of the evening. So at a young 42, here I am one year in and finding myself having many 17 year old moments over and over. Kind of cool and amazing! I love all of the differerent stages love takes, the many faces it reveals in all lights. I love when we are silly little kids in bed, laughing in the dark about nothing and sharing our inner most secrets. I love the passion that rips at you when you just can't get enough of each other. But what I love most of all, what really brings me the deepest bliss, is that of working in the garden, raking in the yard, puttering about in the house and cooking together or running errands to the hardware store. These times are the glue for me. I mean c'mon let's be real, when you can sit and pee while your man brushes his teeth and just talk about the day.....that's it. It doesn't get better at that point in a relationship. You know you are not just a couple're family and that is what it's all about.  

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