1000 Tents Away ~ For Nick
from whence all the breaths
and whispered prayers brought you
like an over eager child I had waited
finding not you
but trouble and empty quiet skies
but trouble and empty quiet skies
the proof of God was in your arrival
that is what the little girl believed
always alone, I sat and smiled
as good girls should
always with the quiet promise
of you
of God
where are you
please come now
the young girl in me whispered
feathered into the summer's night air
again and again
heart ache after heart ache
thinking it was you each time
but feeling that it wasn't
knowing it wasn't
a mirror and me
alone and together we faced ourselves
day after day
summer after summer
eyes connected
one cold glassy version
one warm, soft figure
beaded with hope
rivers from green pools
landing on cold porcelain
I should have know it was you when you arrived on paper
so many moons later
maybe I did
maybe you did too
deceived,we ran for cover in each other's arms
again and again
until our wings would shelter each other
where we would grow together
waking the love
illuminating the truth
the bond of me
the bond of you
of the new us we had longed for
love, deep delicious love
beating like a bird's wings
on its first flight
the feel of your skin
your body folding around mine
for comfort, for safety and assurance
I am set free with each day of your love, my darling
I am held fast and firm with each new commitment
unteathered at last from old roots of fear
old stories from tents of Indians
that left me alone and afraid
in foreign lands, among strangers
that were my family
then you
out of the fire
and the starry night
a spiral of smoke
a thunder of horses
I'm coming for you,Tara
I'm coming soon
sleep in the safety of that, my dear one
and so I did
and for years
I swam in it
drank from it
slept beside it
walked alone with you
your sky
your stars
your promise
and I believed
always, I believed you
in the dark now
I need only your whisper
pushing my long hair to the side
tracing your finger down my back
and back up
my neck
my whispies
all yours now
a warm foot reaches
hopeful across a sea of white
a soft sigh and a nudge to roll over
to come to you
my breath...yours
warm wet words
soft promised kisses
a smiling harvest moon
peaks through the window
illuminating your face
I'm home....
I'm home, Tara
and the innocent six year old
still within me
whispers in your ear...
I knew it was you...